Climate Audit

Lewandowsky et al stated that “links were posted on 8 blogs (with a pro-science science stance but with a diverse audience”. Lewandowsky identified the eight blogs (in an email to Barry Woods) as: Skeptical Science, Tamino, Bickmore, the UU-UNO Clmate Change Task Force (trunity), Ill Considered, Mandia, Deltoid and Hot Topic.

The relevant posts at six of the blogs have been located, but the relevant post at SkS, either no longer exists or never existed. Today’s question: did John Cook destroy all evidence at the SkS site of the existence of his posting the Lewandowsky thread? if so, why? Or are the claims by Cook and Lewandowsky to have posted the link untrue?

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1 Response to

  1. I love the Internet Wahback Machine that McIntyre mentions at his post.

    When it comes to my own digging into the smear of skeptic climate scientists, that thing answers a lot of questions and prompts many more. For example, when old but still functioning web sites have links to “Ozone Action”, and the link currently goes to this oddly dull site , it makes you go “hmmmmm” when you know people were referring to scads of info to be seen there. So, you plunk that url into the Internet Wahback Machine, and a whole new ‘old’ and mysteriously disappeared world opens up:

    When an old site supposedly has so much info that is supposed to prove skeptic scientists are corrupt, why would somebody want to create such a dull single page to replace it?

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